Top 5 New Sales Outsourcing Companies in India

Sales Outsourcing Companies in India
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Wanted sales outsourcing companies in India to add value to your organization? One of your first questions may be what is sales outsourcing?

Sales outsourcing companies in india really means utilizing a third party to complete the leg work in the sales process. For instance, the process can be telemarketing, telesales, cold calling, etc., as these types of services will lead you to qualified leads and sales appointments, which ultimately is going to lead to increased sales and increased revenue for your business.

Types of Sales Outsourcing Services

Sales outsourcing services are designed to enhance a company’s sales processes, expand market reach, and improve revenue generation. Various types of sales outsourcing services cater to different aspects of the sales cycle. Here are some common types:

  • Lead Generation: Outsourcing firms specialize in generating qualified leads to boost sales pipelines.
  • Inside Sales: Conducting sales activities remotely, including cold calling, prospecting, and qualifying leads.
  • Telemarketing: Utilizing telephone channels to promote products or services, generate interest, and secure appointments.
  • Appointment Setting: Scheduling appointments with potential clients for sales representatives.
  • Sales Support: Offering assistance in sales-related tasks, such as data entry, CRM management, and order processing.
  • Channel Sales: Managing sales through various channels, including partners, affiliates, and resellers.
  • Customer Acquisition: Outsourced services focusing on acquiring new customers and expanding the customer base.
  • Market Research: Gathering intelligence on market trends, competitors, and customer preferences to inform sales strategies.
  • Customer Retention: Implementing strategies to retain existing customers and enhance customer loyalty.
  • E-commerce Sales: Managing online sales activities, including customer support, order fulfillment, and online marketing for e-commerce businesses.

What to Expect from Sales Outsourcing Companies in India

Generally, the sales outsourcing companies in India can increase your current and prospective sales with a full sales pipeline and it is typically done with a long-term program. In the short term, companies can also provide a quick boost in your sales or profits.

You can increase your return sales with previous and/or current clients typically through warm calling. The sales outsourcing companies in india would help to increase the existing customer base and provide a significant enhancement in your average monthly sales.

Check out What Is Sales Promoter.

Top 5 Sales Outsourcing Companies in India

  • Zingpro Consulting
  • AOB India
  • Marconix
  • Jinactus
  • Top Hawks

(not in any particular order).

Zingpro Consulting 

Zingpro Consulting, based in Chennai, Bangalore, and Coimbatore, helps companies in developing the Go-To-Market strategy and is focused on the long-term growth strategy.

The sales team is very experienced, and multi-lingual (can speak in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam), with an average sales experience of 18 years. One must talk to their leadership team before taking a final decision on outsourcing the sales process.

AOB India

The AOB India is based out of New Delhi in North India and works on models i.e., shared and dedicated. The shared sales model comes with a high commission and low salaries. The dedicated sales model comes with a high salary and low commission. They offer a variety of sales services.

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Marconix is based in Bangalore, South India, and offers services to all company sizes ranging from start-ups to venture-backed tech companies. The services include managing social media, lead generation, qualification, discovery, closing sales, and managing long-term client relationships.


Jinactus, based in Delhi, has a dynamic team and partners with global companies as a reseller. They represent the global brands in India providing the necessary manpower. Their service comes with an option of transitioning the process to the global company, once the global company decides to step into India.

Top Hawks

Top Hawks, is another Delhi-based company that helps in recruiting the sales staff, training, and establishing a sales process in India. Top Hawks has a good network having its direct & indirect presence in over 30 cities in India. The company has a strong sales coaching team.

Benefits of Sales Outsourcing Services

  • Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing sales reduces overhead costs and allows for a variable cost structure.
  • Expertise Access: Access specialized sales expertise without the need for extensive training.
  • Focus on Core Competencies: Enables companies to focus on core business functions while experts handle sales.
  • Scalability: Easily scale sales efforts up or down based on business needs.
  • Global Reach: Leverage outsourced services to expand sales reach globally.
  • Flexibility: Adapt quickly to market changes and trends with a flexible outsourced sales team.
  • Risk Mitigation: Share sales risks with the outsourcing partner.
  • Time Savings: Expedite the sales process, saving time and resources.
  • Performance Metrics: Benefit from measurable performance metrics for better evaluation.
  • Customer Insights: Gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences through experienced outsourced teams.

5 Reasons to Consider Sales Outsourcing

Sales outsourcing may not suit every business, but in certain situations, it can be a strategic choice:

  1. Small Team: If your sales team is too small to manage the volume of leads effectively, outsourcing can provide the necessary support.
  2. New Markets: For startups poised for growth across new regions or markets without sufficient sales expertise, outsourcing can bridge the gap.
  3. Budget Constraints: Outsourcing can be a cost-effective solution if hiring in-house sales experts is financially prohibitive.
  4. Lack of Resources: If your team lacks specific sales skills or expertise, outsourcing to specialists can enhance your sales capabilities.
  5. Manual Task Overload: When administrative tasks bog down your sales team, outsourcing can free them up to focus on selling.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Sales


  • Access to Expertise: Outsourcing provides access to sales professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge and understanding of varied sales strategies, tailored to your market and industry.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: It allows for easy adjustment to sales operations based on business growth or market fluctuations, without the typical hurdles of internal recruitment and training.
  • Cost Savings: Outsourcing eliminates the overhead associated with an in-house team, including salaries, benefits, and training costs, making it a budget-friendly option.


  • Communication Challenges: Effective communication between your internal team and the outsourced sales group is crucial; miscommunication can lead to inefficiencies.
  • Loss of Control: Outsourcing parts of your sales process can diminish your control over how your products or services are presented and sold.
  • Difficulties in Brand Alignment: Ensuring that the outsourced team aligns with your company’s goals, values, and customer expectations can be challenging and may affect client satisfaction.

Sales Outsourcing: Embracing Automation

Automating routine tasks like scheduling meetings or updating lead databases can significantly increase the productivity of your sales team, allowing them to concentrate on core sales activities. Sales automation tools also provide valuable insights and recommendations for optimizing lead engagement.

5 Tips Before You Outsource Sales

  1. Identify the Business Reason: Decide if the function can be automated or needs outsourcing.
  2. Define Objectives and Metrics: Clearly outline what you hope to achieve, whether it’s expanding your customer base, entering new markets, or increasing customer lifetime value.
  3. Scope Out Your Needs: Determine the markets you wish to target and specify the tasks that need outsourcing.
  4. Internal Alignment: Ensure that your sales and marketing teams are on the same page regarding the outsourcing decision and expected outcomes.
  5. Choose the Right Model: Decide whether to go with a manual sales outsourcing agency or to implement sales automation software that can handle key sales processes.


If you are a start-up or a foreign entity entering India, it is better to work with a local partner and then expand your footprint in India. The common mistake made by companies is they jump right away into channel development by appointing resellers or distributors in India.This strategy is bound to fail as the channel partners normally deal with multiple brands and India is a huge country with cultural and linguistic differences, where a single model cannot work everywhere.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Outsourced sales firms offer a full array of products and services that can help their clients, from getting the lead to closing the deal.
Their teams will have specific members tasked with collecting or creating leads, determining their propensity to buy, and nurturing them through ongoing contact and education. 

To measure the success of outsourced sales efforts, businesses may use metrics such as sales revenue, conversion rates, customer acquisition cost, return on investment (ROI), and customer satisfaction.

When choosing a sales outsourcing company, it’s important to consider factors such as industry expertise, reputation, track record of success, sales methodology, communication and reporting, pricing structure, contract and service level agreement, and references or case studies from similar businesses.

Outsourcing sales can be advantageous as it allows a startup’s core team to concentrate on enhancing product or service quality and boosting customer satisfaction. This strategic move can accelerate growth by freeing up the founders to focus on overarching business objectives, thereby optimizing operational efficiency and potentially enhancing the company’s market position.


Outsourcing has proven highly successful for many organizations, offering significant advantages such as reducing employment costs by up to 70%. It enhances operational efficiencies and provides essential support that helps businesses navigate challenges and drive growth. This strategic approach allows companies to allocate resources more effectively and focus on core competencies.