Difference between Lead Generation and Demand Generation 

"As a marketer, you're likely familiar with the terms "lead generation" and "demand generation." 

Definition and Key Goals 

At its core, lead generation is all about identifying potential customers and gathering their contact information.

Lead Generation 

Lead generation is the method of relocating potential customers and accumulating their contact information.

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Demand Generation 

Demand generation is the process of creating interest and awareness in your brand and products or services.

The strategies and tactics associated with lead generation and demand generation can differ significantly.

Strategies and Tactics 

Lead generation tends to come earlier in the process when you're still trying to build awareness and gather leads. Demand Generation is often more focused on nurturing those leads and turning them into actual customers.

Timing and Lifecycle 

Metrics and ROI 

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Lead generation might be more focused on metrics like cost per lead, conversion rates, or the number of leads generated.


Difference between lead generation and demand generation are two distinct but complementary approaches to marketing.

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